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Record of Proceedings
Sedgwick Town Board Meeting
December 12, 2016


Members Present:  Alan Otsuka, Peggy Owens; Gena Kinoshita; Carole Cross, Jeanie Tarver; Peggy Raymond

Employees Present: Rhonda Jones/ Town Clerk


Guest Present: See attached list


The Sedgwick Town Board met in regular session December 12, 2016 at the Town Hall, a quorum was verified and the meeting was called to order at 6:00pm by Mayor Alan Otsuka.



The board discussed putting the old tractor up for bids. Alan wants to put new batteries in and do some work on it before we put up for bid. Richard got rid of the large dumpsters that bottoms had rusted through.

The town received a bid for the Town Hall from Sidney Roofing. Patrick will look into the cost of repairing the bad areas on the roof and redoing the whole roof when we remodel the Town Hall.


We are still waiting for Todd to fix the collapsed sewer line. Patrick will give him a call.

Patrick was contacted about a solution to put into the lift station to control the grease. Patrick will get more info and the cost.


Patrick gave the board information from CIRSA on Public Hearings.


Patrick talked to DOLA and the rezoning is more of a legal issue. They do have programs to help with Main Street projects.


Rhonda and Patrick didn’t do a job description for Town Manager position or Ordinance Enforcer. Town Manager job description is by statute.



Jeanie moved to approve the minutes from the November 2016 meeting. Carole seconded the motion. Voice vote; motioned carried.


Financial/Pay Bills

Peggy O. moved to pay the bills. Jeanie seconded the motion. Roll call vote; motioned carried.

Jeanie-yes Gena-Yes Peggy O.-Yes Peggy R.-Yes Troy-Absent Carole-yes


6:30 HUTF Hearing

The Highway Users Trust Fund Hearing was called to order at 6:30 by Mayor Otsuka. One Question from a guest asking what this money was used for.

HUTF Hearing closed.


6:45 2017 Budget Hearing

The 2017 Budget Hearing was called to order at 6:45pm by Mayor Otsuka. Dan Pederson was on speaker phone. One question was asked from a guest about the mill levy and how it is set. 

Budget Hearing Closed


Gena moved to adopt by resolution the 2017 Budget. Carole seconded the motion. Voice vote; motioned carried.


Peggy O. moved to set by resolution the Mill Levy at 24.8 mills. Jeanie seconded the motion. Voice vote; motioned carried.


Carole moved to appropriate funds for 2017 by resolution. Peggy R. seconded the motion. Voice vote; motioned carried.


Old Business 

The board didn’t feel the need to hire a Town Manager at this time.


New Business

Peggy R. moved to not hire Creative Marketing Solutions for monthly updates on the Town’s web site. Carole seconded the motion. Voice vote; motioned carried.


The Board would like to have Melinda from the Town’s attorney’s office here for the public hearing on the 19th.


Gena moved to adjourn the meeting. Jeanie seconded the motion. Voice vote; motioned carried.


Gena moved to adjourn the meeting. Jeanie seconded the motion. Voice vote; motioned carried.


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29 Main Avenue | PO Box 27 | Sedgwick, Colorado 80749

For General Info:
For Town Clerk:
Fax: 970-463-5537

Sedgwick Town Hall Hours:

Monday - Friday

8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

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